Cycle of Creation in Action! I’m Sharing Flower LifeTones & My Journey

Here I am – sharing my journey, and a taster from The LifeTones of the Flowers project!
How I went from fear of being seen to sharing from my heart with the world 💓🎶💓

My mentor, Sylvie Olivier from Golden Heart Wisdom asked if we could do an interview about this journey from the head to the Heart, and how it allows me to flow with the Cycle of Creation in my projects.

I told her yes, but really…. I wasn’t even in my head before – there was so much fear in the body that I spent most of the time outside of it!

And now, here I am. In my body. In my space. Knowing I’m already at Home, held in my Heart – even when I doubt it! 💖

I love the projects coming out of this deepened connection with who I am. I love the love I access, wherever I’m at. I love to share my Joy and Wonder – what makes my heart sing!

In this interview I’m also sharing LifeTones of Bluebell from the Green World Project. Thank you dear Sylvie Olivier for another lovely heart-to-heart chat – and for providing a powerful heart space for expansion!

Interview Anna Kollberg
Click here to watch the interview

Are you curious of LifeTones and Lightsounds of the Flowers?

Check out the LifeTones of Twinflower/Linnéa/Linnée boréale journey, which has just begun. We just received the wonder-filled Birth meditation, through the Tone of Creation into The Green World. Registration’s open a little longer (Swedish: click here)

More upcoming LifeTones of the Flowers events: click here

See you in the The Green World! /Anna

Anna toning Fireweed/Mjölkört/Épilobe
Anna toning Fireweed/Mjölkört/Épilobe
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