What’s LifeTones?

“Your LifeTones are celestial…they lifted me and carried me to the clouds, connected to the divine, to all sentient beings, tingling all over my body. I feel lightness, peace, joy, everything is ok, everything is possible. I have hope. Wherever I was before the LifeTones, I don’t remember. I have a huge smile on my heart” /Arlene Broussard, USA

LifeTones appeared when Vide was born, 3 months early. It was hard for his body; he was so small and got very ill.

My voice came with tones – clear, light, joyful! – singing for him where he’d forgotten who he was and how much he wanted to be on Earth.
And he came back to his little body! Got well. Strong!

I realised I had sung his LifeTones.

That’s how LifeTones work. They become a bridge to Life. Singing for us where it hurts, where we’re stuck and have forgotten, or where we’re curious and ready to open up for something new.
Soothing, tickling, playing, knocking on the door, opening, lightning up the path to clarity, joy & lightness!
Simple LifeTones. Nothing complicated at all.
A bridge to the Heart.

This is what Vide’s LifeTones sounded like (excerpt, lutes by Daniel Fredriksson):

“LifeTones goes to the depth of your being to resonate OUT all that is not aligned with your highest expression of self/ highest truth, and allows it to release, while strengthening and calling IN all that is your highest life!” /Dr. Kim D’Eramo, founder American Institute of MindBody Medicine, USA

How can LifeTones assist you?

Since Vide, my voice has assisted many people in connecting, integrating & aligning with their Essence. Are you ready to receive your unique personal LifeTones? It’s a simple, playful and very powerful tool to live awake. I tune in to your Essence and give voice to your unique LifeTones. It brings Clarity and assists you in coming into alignment with who you truly ARE. Curious?

Welcome to download free LifeTones here!

Read more about LifeTones and their different qualities here. Or check them out on YouTube or SoundCloud.

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